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EnstoToday_2015 No1_ENG

ensto today | ENSTO PEOPLE 30 The Family Council helps ensure tomorrow’s Ensto remains family held with family values. Ensio Miettinen’s nine grandchildren grew up together, but as young adults they pursued their own lives and projects. Reaching their twenties, something beyond blood ties brought them together again: they began to think about the future of the company their grandfather created. The seed of the Family Council was planted a decade back, say Ensio’s grandchildren. “Ten years ago we were just spending time together and getting to know one another,” says Iida Miettinen, daughter of Timo Miettinen. Several summers ago the grandchildren were gathered at Marjo Miettinen's summer cottage. Their discussion circled around to the family business, and they all reached the same conclusion. "So we took a photo of all of us," says Marjo's son, Lari Raitavuo, "and we sent it to Marjo with the message, 'We want to continue EM Group as a family business.'" Part business, part social And so the Family Council was born. Meeting two to three times each year, the agenda of EM Group’s third generation is part business and part social. To learn the business, they may visit factories or be briefed on the business by active managers. Family Matters Scott Diel Petri Juntunen

EnstoToday_2015 No1_ENG
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